
Review – Chicken Police

Chicken Police is a narrative based, point and click adventure game developed by The Wild Gentlemen. Chicken Police is very unique with its noir art style, sense of humour and also its detective interrogation system. The art style of Chicken Police is very quirky with its humanoid animals as the characters and cutscenes that made me forget that I was actually playing a game and not watching a 40’s noir movie.

The game is set in fictional world of Wilderness and the player plays as Sonny Featherland, who is a burnt-out detective for the Clawville police department. Set to slow down and retire in a few months Sonny is then greeted by a deer by the name of Deborah who explains that her employer who is in fear of her life sent her. This prompts Sonny to team up with his old partner Marty McChicken to solve the most dangerous case of their careers.    sct

The player starts off in Sonny’s apartment where players first get to use the point and click feature, clicking certain objects to reveal information about Sonny, his history or the city’s history and interacting with other characters. Here you also get the first taste of the detective interrogation system. To begin with the player chooses out of a few different options as to what to ask the character that is being questioned and as the questioning continues more question options become available with a detective metre being filled up. At the end of the investigation of the character, the player receives a questioning rank, showing how many questions were asked and the percentage of the focus accuracy of those questions. The game gives options of what the player can ask, but it also holds your hand a little in regard to the player not missing any vital information to continue the story. The questioning can go little off track, but the game will bring players back on track.


All the clues the player uncovers goes into a book where they can view all the clues they discovered, a little biography of the characters they have met or have learnt about during the investigations. Here the player can also see their stats of their questioning points, scenes visited, achievements that have been unlocked, codex entries and gallery entries.


The scenes are all black and white, blends 2D and 3D elements and the text based gameplay has the option to auto continue or the player can manually press a button the after every dialog scene. This setting can be changed at an instant so jumping from auto continue to manually continue is seamless. Unfortunately pausing during dialog is not a thing here as well as shutting off the background music, there is no option for those that just want to hear the dialog without the jazz music.


The visual and sound of the game are great. The Wild Gentlemen have done an amazing job with the photorealistic characters with their humanoid bodies and animal heads, there is no jarring visual between human and animal here, they just blend together perfectly. The music of the game fits the scenes, the voice acting is very well done.


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Jenn for One More Game

7 – Good – This is an all-round solid game that delivers some features really well. It’s a game that most gamers will likely enjoy. If you’re not a fan of the game or genre then you may want to wait for a deal before picking it up.

Please click the link here for a full rundown of our rating scale.

Chicken Police was reviewed on a PlayStation 4 and is also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

The publisher kindly provided review code for this title. All thoughts on this game are ours and ours alone.


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